Love these cushions! Your friend will be very happy with them I think. If you like, come visit my blog on Saturdays. You can add a link to your blog there and add a picture of something you've made. Hope to see you there soon. Bye! Annemarie
Zertifizierte Seifensiederin und Quilt-Näherin, leidenschaftliche Mutter und Ehefrau, ungeduldig, kreativ, koche und esse gerne, nachdenklich und einfach viel zu vielfältig :-D
Mein Stofflager muss einfach mal kleiner werden :-)
Stoffabbau 2021
Januar: 16,8m
März: 28,8m
April 7,2m
Mai 28.8m
Juni 24,6m
Stoffabbau 2020 ca 268,1m
Stoffabbau 2019 ca 201,6m!
Stoffabbau 2018 ca 272,1m!
Stoffabbau 2017 ca 321m! Stoffabbau 2016 ca 261,1m! Stoffabbau 2015 ca 301,3m! Stoffabbau 2014 ca 275,8m! Stoffabbau 2013 ca 176,6m! Stoffabbau 2012 ca 256m! Stoffabbau 2011 ca 197 m!
Love these cushions! Your friend will be very happy with them I think. If you like, come visit my blog on Saturdays. You can add a link to your blog there and add a picture of something you've made. Hope to see you there soon.